What you and I can create together?


+ web design

+ graphic design

+ marketing collateral

+ branding

+ social media content

+ illustration...


Let’s connect to create and deliver cohesive, meaningful messages your audience will experience in an engaging and authentic manner.

I collaborate with sole proprietors, small business owners, agencies and other designers.

“Good art sends a different message to everyone. Good design sends the same message to everyone.”

The way you tell the story of your business can make all the difference. It deserves to be complemented (not merely embellished) with effective visuals that help you stand out and remain current.



web design.

When potential clients visit your website, they seek to be informed and persuaded – they need to know why should they choose you over your competitor. Your website must convey your message in a clear, concise and authentic manner. If you have already defined your brand ID (logo, colours, language), let’s connect and create a meaningful and engaging website.


Website: Application of Branding, Sourcing of Stock Images as needed, Domain Transfer or Connection, G-Suite Account Setup, Social Media Accounts Connection.  E-commerce website: Implementation of up to 5 Products, Integrated Payment Processes.


brand ID.

Brand ID package is about framing your authenticity: defining your business values, determining what sets you apart from your competitors, setting the tone and voice of your brand, as well as creating quality custom-made assets.


The brand guidelines document: Main Logo, Secondary Logo, 1-3 Sub Logos (if possible), Colour Palette, Brand Font System, Custom Pattern/Symbol or Illustration (as needed), Competitor Research, and Business Card Design.


social media content creation.

It is no secret that social media channels can be vital for establishing your brand and facilitating direct communication with your clients or audience. At the same time, your social media channels give a pretty good insight into whether you live and do business in accordance with your brand values. When it comes to social media, there is no room for randomness in application of branding (the tone, voice, symbols, imagery, patterns should all complement each other) and there is no room for visual clutter.


Social Media Marketing Plan and Calendar, Creation of Assets for Social Media (banners, posts etc.)


graphic design.

You have brand guidelines (logo, colours, patterns etc.) and now you need to create a set of promotional materials that will send a cohesive, incisive, and memorable story to your clients? It is obvious to you that generic templates are inadequate and you value document design that complements and reinforces your message. You are not looking to produce merely “pretty” documents, but rather documents in which information presentation has been developed for a particular function – and that still look visually appealing. Let’s design meaningful and authentic marketing collateral for your brand!  


Company and Product Brochures, Reports (Document design), Proposals, Sell Sheets, Presentations, Catalogues, Banner Stand, Business Cards, Letterheads, Displays, Magazines, E-books, Infographics, Posters etc.


content management.

If you prefer to delegate your occasional website updates or social media management to me, please let me know. There is a Monthly Support Plan which includes up to four updates for your website every month.



Even though my background is in branding, graphic and digital design, I have been continuously asked to do illustrations. Please feel free to reach out and we will figure out if the project is a good fit.


“Consistency establishes reputation and it is especially important in business.” - H.M.


My goal is to nurture a fair and mutually beneficial business relationship with you by establishing trust based on continuous effective communication and task fulfillment. Our rights and obligations will be defined in the Contract.


01. initial contact.

Please include all the relevant information in your email: 1. The name of your company (link to your website/social media handles) 2. What type of project do you need help with? 3. Suggested timeline and budget 4. Additional relevant information. You will receive a response to your inquiry as soon as I have reviewed it.

02. phone call meeting.

Scheduling a 15-20 minutes phone call consultation to determine we are a good fit for working together, as well as to gather and confirm information that will be included in the Contract.

03. contract & deposit.

Once we have decided to collaborate, defined the scope of the project, milestones, and the deadline, we will sign the Contract and you will make your deposit payment. Deposit will be calculated based on the projected service timeline, with first portion being counted as the deposit. Project timelines vary from 3 to 16 weeks.

04. coordination meeting.

You and I will schedule a video-conference to discuss the project requirements, and plan the resources.

05. research phase.

Research and ideate to produce a solid conceptual basis that meets specific project requirements, while following industry trends and standards.

06. design phase.

Drafting and prototyping, based on agreed project requirements and your inputs.

07. initial draft review.

You and I will review the initial draft. You will have an opportunity to provide feedback and request changes.

08. iteration & review.

You will review the final version created on the basis of your inputs.

09. project delivery.

The project is completed and ownership has been successfully transferred.